Rediscovering Authenticity in a World of Masks

2 min readOct 2, 2023


In a world full of successful fake versions of individuals, how can you possibly be yourself? It is not as easy as you may think.

Set Your Inner Spirit Free

In our younger years, authenticity flowed effortlessly. We were the boisterous kid, leaping across the furniture, or the introspective artist, quietly lost in scribbles and sketches. We didn’t think twice about donning masks to fit into the world.

But as we grew older, the voices of conformity grew louder. The self-doubts of adolescence sharpened, and we heard the critical whispers — “You’re too loud” or “Not attractive enough.” Gradually, we retreated into cocoons, shaping ourselves into what the world demanded.

Social media, with its filters and curated personas, exacerbated this trend. Suddenly, we could present idealized versions of ourselves to a world that knew us not.

Yet, the suppression of our true selves is an unsustainable endeavor. Over time, our genuine selves scream for release, confined within the cages we’ve built. For those who attained riches and fame with a false facade, the battle intensifies, leading some to resort to destructive coping mechanisms. The path is not a pleasant one.

The only escape from this suffocating cycle is to embrace your true self. If your current circle cannot accept your authenticity, seek out your tribe — those who resonate with your genuine self. For to be surrounded by those who see only the mask you wear leads to misery, for wearing a mask too long suffocates the soul.

Nevertheless, there are instances when veiling parts of ourselves is prudent. Not everyone needs to know every facet of your being. Be discerning. For instance, coworkers may not require access to your entire story, as such knowledge could become a weapon.

Only those who truly matter deserve the privilege of knowing your depths. And sometimes, an escape is essential. Step away, embrace the freedom of being truly yourself — run barefoot, plunge into the ocean, scream into the wild. Recharge in anonymity, then return refreshed to the world, aware that in the grand theater of life, we cannot always be our unfiltered selves.





Hey, these are basically letters to my future self. In my continuous lifelong learning, I put down articles to record the lessons, hoping others too will learn.