Does God Really Exist?

4 min readSep 29, 2023


When one talks about God, the world is quick to undermine them, or push them aside. Human beings like to think of themselves as the most important beings in the universe. With aspirations to colonize Mars and other planets, the human race quickly forgets about its inadequacies.

This Is All You’re Allowed To See

First of all, I want to clarify that I am not talking about religion. The unification of God and religion is probably why most people are not in touch with Him- our source. Religions are conduits to knowing that there is a Creator, but not the means to serving Him.

The term ‘God’ is a worldly term, because our source has no name.

You can form your own personal religion with God once you establish a relationship with Him.

There is a huge relationship between God and religion primarily because the people who founded these organizations had a personal relationship with Him. In fact, most founders of today’s religions were rebels who went against the societal norms of the day. Take Peter from the Bible, for instance, who is said to have founded the Catholic church. He went against the societal systems in place that required people to believe or adhere to certain ways, and got killed for it. Martin Luther too, who sounded the Protestant movement.

The people who later took over - they are the problem. They forgot that religions were supposed to consist of people who shared the same mindset and not a bunch of forced individuals. They also resulted to manipulation tactics to support their greedy nature.

For those who say there is no God, you forget that there is a source of our life. The things that fascinate you in this world are merely human creations. People have turned to worshipping other people, like Elon Musk, Andrew Tate and celebrities because the human condition is coded to elude some form of worship- only that you’re worshipping the wrong thing- a human being like you, who at the end of the day, can get struck by lightning and die. They are not invincible.

While the Big Bang theory could be true, imagine yourself as God creating the universe. The Big Bang theory is so profound and marvelous to the little human, but to you was just a process like any other.

Jesus Christ was arguably the most controversial being in human history because He sought to speak the truth against all odds. His primary teachings were that there were only two commandments that we needed to follow- Love the Lord your God with all your heart and soul, and love your neighbor as you love yourself. He also emphasized that the kingdom of God was within us, and not in places, buildings or things as taught by many religions. God does not dwell in temples made by human hands.

I think about that statement- the kingdom of God is within us- and combine it with the one that says- He created us in His own image and likeness- and another- don’t you know you are gods? Jesus teaches us that we are one with God and can accomplish anything, which is visible in today’s world. Human beings have created the most phenomenal things beyond basic thought which is amazing, but they think that this makes them superior to their source.

It is the basic human story- even in the Bible- an acquisition of greatness that makes one full of themselves, ultimately leading to their downfall. Human beings are the protagonists in their own story.

The term ‘God’ is a worldly term, because our source has no name. Let’s call Him ‘Our Father’ because He is the Father of us all. Why use the male term, some may ask? When I think about the reproduction process, the source of it all is the man. His sperm fertilizes the ovum. The woman then takes over and from there becomes the most crucial- the caretaker.

The caretaker. Our Father- our source- created us- then made us caretakers of His planet. This emphasizes ‘He created us in His image and likeness’ meaning we are micro examples to God’s way. Therefore when we ruin His earth with our filthy emissions and pollutants, we elude our primary role. But at the same time, we have to recognize our simplicity in all of this.

When we die, we must account for the work which we did as caretakers. Was your work to ruin or build the human condition? The torment that comes with acknowledging your laziness, selfishness, self-centeredness and destructive behavior is profound.

Look, I might not have all the answers, or even close to half, but I know that being human means first acknowledging your humanness and being humble before your Father. After that, you can turn into the little god you want, but do not forget your caretaker status.

Some may beg to differ, and I will not try to argue back, for these are my personal lessons.




Hey, these are basically letters to my future self. In my continuous lifelong learning, I put down articles to record the lessons, hoping others too will learn.