I Changed My Perception Of Women

2 min readNov 19, 2022


I have great news. I realized that women are one of the most amazing creations in the universe.

How did I get here?

As a guy, almost all my life I am used to charming women, selling myself, taking their phone number and trying to make them like me or be my girlfriend. Don’t blame me, it’s how society conditioned me since I was a kid. I had to impress a woman to qualify talking to her or be her friend, let alone getting into any sort of relationship.

However, as I get older I realize that women are like any other being in this universe — humans who also live the same life that I do, encounter challenges and fail or become successful. What makes them special is that human beings come out of them which is a pretty amazing and profound thing. Without women there would be no one on this planet.

The universe is specifically and intentionally designed to create interdependence between living things. Women need men and vice versa, despite the world’s gender-independent aspirations. I recognize this fact now and appreciate it more.

To see the wonderful nature of women I had to unlearn the idea that as a guy, every woman I talk to has to give me her number. That I have to take her out on a date, or that every hang out with a woman involves only me paying the bill. How about talking to a random lady, having a nice conversation and leaving it at such? Not taking her contact, chatting her on social media and if it doesn’t work out we cannot see or speak to each other again.

Recognizing that just as awful guys exist out here, there are women who can be pretty mean, cunning and ill-intentioned but they do not represent the entire spectrum.

I now understand the dangers of certain influencers who spread generalized negative attitudes towards women. I have met some pretty amazing ladies and they do not deserve such spite.

Nevertheless, getting here was an individual journey and while I would like my male counterparts to adopt such a perspective, the universe is a diverse hub. Each person’s attitudes came into being based on several factors that they encountered on their life journey. ‘Men’ do not behave a certain way, one man does and the same applies to women. Sure, some women hurt me but that doesn’t mean that’s how all women behave.

We must unlearn in order to learn. Stay happy people!




Hey, these are basically letters to my future self. In my continuous lifelong learning, I put down articles to record the lessons, hoping others too will learn.